Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Booze, Gaming, and Cosplay...

Got back from Gencon to have some much needed rest after 5 days of partying and gaming. I popped some of my photos over on the side to replace the last game night pictures. Clicking on it will take you to my album and allow you to see bigger ones.

I won't bother logging out then in as the general Cleveland Victus name to give you guys some info on the next game night. I really have no update and it seems our usual joint is pretty busy for the rest of the month. I'm going to look into booking the party room at my apartments and see how much they'll do that for. Possibly get it on a Saturday afternoon. If I hear back from Chef Sawyer, I will post about it with the quickness.

Back to Gencon though. I had a great time along with the crew I rolled with. Some of you might recognize them from game nights with a few new faces. For those of you that went also, I look forward to hearing your stories and some other info about what you played. I'm gonna throw out a post in our google group asking for opinions on a place, date, and time to meet somewhere and kick back some brews or coffees and just have a good time. This will by no means be an official game night, but more of a social event like we wanted to delve into a bit more. People who did not go to Gencon are more than welcome to show up and hear some stories. I want to do it by the end of the month, and if possible, clear it with the place we're showing up to about maybe busting out some games.

I'm also going to start up another thread for people to post what they played and either recommend or want us to stay away from.

See you in the group!


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